Witness Development Evangelism Workbook

The Witness Development Evangelism Workbook equips Christians to be witnesses for Christ in a natural conversational style.

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Witness Development Evangelism Workbook

The Witness Development Evangelism Workbook equips Christians to be witnesses for Christ in a natural conversational style. You will learn how to share biblical truths in an enjoyable and engaging manner. Jesus used stories and questions to help people self-discover truths and this training closely replicates his style of evangelism. Find out more about our evangelism training workshops. Every believer should be able to share the Gospel with that wh are lost ad this workbook gives every person an opportunity to understand and develop their witness and evangelism opportunities. It si designed so that any believer can develop a witnessing strategy that will help them share the Gospel to the lost right in their own communities and neighborhoods.

This workbook provides background, how-to’s, and exercises to help you become an expert of biblical conversational evangelism. Your confidence in sharing God’s Word with others will be substantially higher as a result of completing this training. When you schedule a Witness Development Evangelism Workshop at your church, you and fellow participants will receive the tools you need to impact your community for Christ.

Key things you will learn how to:

  • Introduce yourself and open doors of communication
  • Share biblical stories that hold attention and stick.
  • Lead the person to Christ and follow through with discipling.
  • Ask questions that expose prior misconceptions and help people self-discover truth.

Click here if you would like to get the E-Book.


(143 pages)


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