Discipleship Training

Essential Skills for Global Ambassadors

The Global Ambassador Toolbox teaches skills for representing SOM International and inviting others to serve the Persecuted Church. Global Ambassador Kyle exemplifies the commitment and standard of excellence necessary for a senior SOM Discipleship Team instructor. His story demonstrates the importance of workshops.

Kyle took his first Discussion Discipleship Method (DDM) workshop in 2021. His group leader, David Witt, was immediately struck by his poise, delivery, and attention to detail. David’s feedback that weekend was short and to the point: Good accuracy, listening, and teachable. Growth area: practice to enhance boldness!

Taking the advice to heart, Kyle didn’t just attend workshops; he embraced the DDM process as a way of life. Kyle practices DDM in his personal Bible study, church teaching, and daily interactions and adventures, including hiking the Grand Canyon with family.

Kyle’s dedication and faithfulness led to more excellent service. He has served on international DDM teams, equipping church planters in other nations with practical skills. His efforts have not only honed his own teaching skills but also empowered international leaders who risk much for Jesus.

Are you passionate about teaching others? Other SOM Global Ambassadors are too! Discover more about discipleship training in this GA Toolbox.

GA TOOLBOX: Workshops

The Nuts and Bolts of the Discipleship Team

Simon the Pharisee was horrified. He had invited Jesus into his home. The woman, a notorious sinner, had just poured oil on Jesus’ feet and was making a fool of herself. Instead of rebuking her, Jesus told a story and asked a question about two debtors.

“Tell me, Simon, which debtor will love the creditor more?” (Luke 7:36–50)

Jesus told a story and asked a question to teach God’s truth. At SOM International, our discipleship workshops teach you to do the same.

What a Discipleship Workshop Teaches:

  • Foundational discipleship principles
  • The biblical basis for the discipleship process
  • The Wise Counselor illustration as a model for inductive Bible study

You can attend a scheduled workshop, or you might choose to host a workshop at your location. Host or Attend a Workshop

Looking for Online Training?

We do host online Discussion Discipleship Method Interactive Bible Discussion (Online DDM IBD) sometimes. You’ll find those in Events.

For general inquiries about online training, email us to request more information.