SOM Bangladesh News2024-02-13T09:11:59-07:00

SOM Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the highest populations and poorest nations on earth. SOM-USA has supported Bangladeshi Christian leadership with assistance of distribution of tens of thousands of Bibles and Christian materials since 2008.

In 2017, a faithful Bangladeshi Christian leader established SOM-Bangladesh. In 2019, they started their first Church Planting School and Sewing Discipleship School to empower the leadership and multiplication of the Church at Risk in the region.


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Meet the Director of SOM – Bangladesh

  • His lineage is from the minority Hindu background.
  • He has been a champion of organizing teams to distribute gospel materials to the largest gatherings of Muslims in the world.
  • Over his life-time of ministry, it is estimated that he has distributed more than one million gospel materials to Bangladeshis.
  • He was put into jail for his witness of Christ, but continues to courageously reach the lost in Bangladesh.
Unreached People Groups
Unreached People
Christian Population

Latest News from SOM Bangladesh

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