Featured Posts
[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassador Tammy
Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Assister Tammy from Arizona. David and Cindy Witt were first alerted to Tammy’s gift of hospitality when they
The Lord Extends His Grace to Us
An Update from South America The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. Beloved, I wish that thou be prospered in all things and be sound, even as thy soul prospers.
GA TOOLBOX – Discipleship Workshops
Discipleship Training Essential Skills for Global Ambassadors The Global Ambassador Toolbox teaches skills for representing SOM International and inviting others to serve the Persecuted Church. Global Ambassador Kyle exemplifies the commitment and standard of
SOM Latin America
Latin America Update: Touching Reality
Bible Distribution This month’s update comes via a letter from Santiago, a Canadian partner with SOM International who supports the work in South America.
Believers Pleading for More Resources
By SOM Colombia Staff Thousands of pastors and congregations are urgently requesting our materials as the unprecedented harvest of souls continues to respond to the Gospel.
Off-Grid Adventures: Delivering Portable Water Treatment Systems
My father told me the story of Moses praying over the mountain with his hands lifted up while Joshua and the people of Israel fought against
SOM Mexico
God Answers Prayer for Disciple Makers
Many of the communities the SOM Mexico team serves are in very remote areas, through difficult terrain. They visited a recent village, consisting of twelve families, and the only access to medical attention or education
SOM India
India: Interrogations Are a New Way of Life
While working hard to teach the Word and serve in the sewing work, sewing workers in India are facing a new challenge. Police are increasing the number of interrogations among these workers to scrutinize
SOM Muslim World
From Doubter to Devoted – Northwest Africa Testimony
A team from the United States with an African translator, (today the SOM-NW Africa Director), came to my village. The team shared with the villagers that they were followers of
Fertilizing Discipleship
Fertilizer and Discipleship? The Holy Spirit gives us wisdom in discipleship, and sometimes we see the humor in the understanding. Who would guess that fertilizer in Northwest Africa plays a
SOM International – Northwest Africa
Leading Like Christ Series In the coming months, I will be sharing my observations of the mature Christ-like leadership of each SOM Global Director. They all have similarities in leading
Other News from Around the Globe
[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassador Tammy
Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Assister Tammy from Arizona. David and Cindy Witt were first alerted to Tammy’s
GA TOOLBOX – Discipleship Workshops
Discipleship Training Essential Skills for Global Ambassadors The Global Ambassador Toolbox teaches skills for representing SOM International and inviting others to serve the Persecuted Church. Global Ambassador Kyle exemplifies
The Nuts and Bolts of Representing SOM International at an Event After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others, and he sent them ahead of him in pairs to every
GA TOOLBOX – Testimony
The Nuts and Bolts of Sharing an SOM Testimony Jesus was stunned. He had just heard the centurion say, “Just say the word…for I also am a man under
GA TOOLBOX – The Power of Relationship
Global Ambassador Toolbox Global Ambassador Toolbox teaches skills for representing SOM International and inviting others to serve the persecuted church. One of our GA features was Terry. As Terry
GA TOOLBOX – The Anchor Meeting
The Nuts and Bolts of Good Stewardship “Jesus needed to go through Samaria.” John 4:4 Everyone avoided Samaria at all costs. But here was Jesus, sitting by a well
[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassador Randy
Global Ambassador Feature Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Worship and Prayer Team member Randy from Georgia. Randy is
[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassadors Larry and Janet
Global Ambassador Feature Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Disciplers Larry and Janet, Kentucky. It all started with