By SOM Colombia Staff

Thousands of pastors and congregations are urgently requesting our materials as the unprecedented harvest of souls continues to respond to the Gospel.  Our latest Spanish Study Bible has an updated concordance and Bible dictionary designed to aid both the novice and the mature Christian as they study the written Word of God.

Along with a key Bible translator, we spent over a week ministering at a special conference for about 170 pastors (some came with their wives).

The tribes are experiencing a widespread revival, as are the Spanish-speaking citizens of Venezuela and eastern Colombia.  The quality of the humble believers is absolutely stunning.  In fact, we are finding villages, municipalities, and entire states where Christians are now in the majority.  This is something that God sovereignly initiated, and we are honored to be a part.

Flourishing Despite Challenges

However, there continues to be obstacles and enemy opposition. Some would attempt to spread false doctrines or implement rigid human control.  So far, none of this has been able to derail the essence of what God is doing.

The extreme lack of Bibles and good teaching materials (including children’s Bible materials) along with the difficult, almost harrowing access to many of the locations where this massive revival is flourishing, sometimes keeps us up late at night praying.  We ask the Lord to continue upholding all the brave men and women and even children standing firm amid great hardship and difficulty with a bold witness.

Transmitter Upgrades

We are working as hard as possible to increase radio coverage with a massive overhaul of our radio stations.  The installation of new, vastly better transmitters is ongoing as funds are available.

At one particular location, all six transmission stations are in serious need of upgrades and remodeling.  The antennas also need some quality care.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.