Spirit of Martyrdom International

Serving the Living Martyrs

The SOM International network consists of kindred-hearted national leaders who assist each other to advance the Gospel. These leaders have a “spirit of martyrdom” . . . they trust God to lead them in effective outreach as they live in restricted and hostile regions. These leaders are the “boots on the ground.” They are a credible witness of Jesus Christ and have much faith by leading lives of courage. They are leaders who are discipling other leaders. The regions they serve have limited or no access to the Word of God. Learn more about SOM.

“You will be my witnesses [martus] . . .  to the ends of the earth.” —Acts 1:8

Spirit of Martyrdom Radio Ministry
Reaching Unreached People Groups

40% of the world’s population is considered unreached and has never heard about Jesus.


Only 3% of all the money given to missions goes to those who are unreached.


100% of designated funds given to SOM International goes to supporting leaders serving in the riskiest and most unreached areas in the world.

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Serve international leaders with tools for multiplication, discipleship, and maturity in Christ


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Give to support your global family who risk much for Jesus


Connect with the Persecuted Church

Here Are a Few Ways You Can Help SOM and Our Persecuted Family


“In 2011 when I first met David, I knew by name every Christian Muslim Background Believer (MBB) in Senegal. Today, there are hundreds beyond my knowledge.”

Director, SOM North Africa

“The network of house churches has seen over a million Indians who have come to faith in Jesus over the past last 11 years.”

Director, SOM India

An estimated 40,000 tribal members in one region now confess to being Christ followers. Bibles in their heart language have fueled a revival fire and the renewal of culture and history.


“Now that I was trained in a church planting school, I have been able to establish eight churches in unreached villages within the past year.”

Church planter

“Satima is privileged to be the only lady in her village who has a sewing trade. Within six months, she made many connections in the village.”


“Today, we are much healthier because the Gospel brought us hope in our hearts and healthy water to our bodies.”

Mexican tribal leader


Inspirational Stories about the Church at Risk

SOM raises awareness and support for believers all over the world who are at risk because of their faith in Jesus Christ.  Here on our site, we give the latest updates from those who are serving internationally the persecuted church.


SOM International Resources

All Resource Donations Support the Church at Risk Around the World