Internationally Serving Leaders Who Risk Much for Jesus

Did you know? 40% of the world’s population is considered unreached. Yet, only 3% of all Christian resources go to the most needy Unreached and Persecuted. Spirit of Martyrdom is most passionate about assisting in persecuted and unreached areas because they have the greatest needs.

Martyr: Credible Witness for Jesus

Martyr comes from the Greek word martus. It means credible witness. SOM International’s theme verse is Acts 1:8: “You will be my witnesses (Martus) . . . to the ends of the Earth.”

Spirit of Martyrdom Serves the Living Martyrs

Our international leadership are “living martyrs” because their faithful and bold witness for Christ puts both their lives and their freedoms at risk. Likewise, our international network inspires us as fellow believers to lay down our lives in full surrender and obedience to God . . . with the same Spirit of Martyrdom that is exemplified in Jesus Christ.

If you’d like to learn more about our history, CLICK HERE.

Get Exclusive News and Opportunities to Support the Church at Risk


40% of the world’s population is considered unreached and has never heard about Jesus


Only 3% of all the money given to missions goes to those who are unreached.


100% of designated funds given to SOM International goes to supporting leaders serving in the riskiest and most unreached areas in the world.

“The network of house churches has seen over a million Indians who have come to faith in Jesus over the past last 11 years.”

Pastor Singh, SOM India

“In 2011 when I first met David, I knew by name every Christian Muslim Background Believer (MBB) in Senegal. Today, there are hundreds beyond my knowledge.”

Saidou, SOM North Africa


Inspirational Stories about the Church at Risk

SOM raises awareness and support for believers all over the world who are at risk because of their faith in Jesus Christ.  Here on our site, we give the latest updates from those who are serving internationally the persecuted church.



Pastor David Witt is the author of Fearless Love, In the Midst of Terror and God’s Global Grace Movement and is the founder of Spirit of Martyrdom International.

He has spoken in over 2,500 churches and Christian ministries in the United States. He has traveled to over 50 nations in his lifetime, preaching in underground churches, and meeting with overcoming brothers and sisters in Christ. His heart has been touched, and his life changed, by their actions of love and faithfulness to Jesus, even when facing death. Pastor Witt desires to share their stories. He states, “The Church in America functions in greatest maturity when relationally connected to the persecuted family around the world. Jesus is not returning for an arm or leg, but for the Bride of Christ.”

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Here are a Few Ways You can Help SOM and Our Persecuted Family

Spirit of Martyrdom Resources

All Resource Donations Support the Church at Risk Around the World.