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GA TOOLBOX – The Power of Relationship

Global Ambassador Toolbox Global Ambassador Toolbox teaches skills for representing SOM International and inviting others to serve the persecuted church. One of our GA features was Terry. As Terry passed out newsletters and invited friends to get involved, she learned an important lesson about relationships. Here’s her story. Relationship Essential Skills for Global Ambassadors One of Terry’s friends donated

By |July 16th, 2024|Categories: GA Toolbox|Comments Off on GA TOOLBOX – The Power of Relationship

GA TOOLBOX – The Anchor Meeting

The Nuts and Bolts of Good Stewardship “Jesus needed to go through Samaria.” John 4:4 Everyone avoided Samaria at all costs. But here was Jesus, sitting by a well in Samaria in the heat of the day while the disciples went into town to buy lunch. When the woman came alone to draw water, Jesus started the conversation. “Give

By |July 16th, 2024|Categories: GA Toolbox|Comments Off on GA TOOLBOX – The Anchor Meeting

[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassador Randy

Global Ambassador Feature Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Worship and Prayer Team member Randy from Georgia. Randy is an active Global Ambassador and returned from a trip to Kenya in January. Randy has been a strong advocate for our Persecuted Church family. Photo: Randy (left) with

By |July 16th, 2024|Categories: Global Ambassadors|Comments Off on [Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassador Randy

[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassadors Larry and Janet

Global Ambassador Feature Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Disciplers Larry and Janet, Kentucky. It all started with an SOM International discipleship workshop! Now, Larry and Janet continue making a difference through a Bible study that includes a weekly testimony of the persecuted church and offerings toward global

By |July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Global Ambassadors|Comments Off on [Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Ambassadors Larry and Janet

[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Arizona Ambassador Terry

Global Ambassador Feature Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month’s GA Feature is Advocate Terry, Arizona. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our persecuted family by doing simple things in our everyday lives. We hope you are inspired by Terry’s simplicity and heart! Finding

By |July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Global Ambassadors|Comments Off on [Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Arizona Ambassador Terry

[Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Florida Ambassador Mike

Global Ambassador Feature Highlighting a Global Ambassador and an activity they have planned and executed. This month's GA Feature is Connector and Advocate Mike, Florida. Mike attended a Florida Wise Counsel Boot Camp. We hope you are challenged and inspired by his report. JAX Annual Wise Counsel Boot Camp Report Recently, I reserved an exhibitor

By |July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Global Ambassadors|Comments Off on [Global Ambassador Feature] Meet Florida Ambassador Mike

Latin America Update: Touching Reality

Bible Distribution This month’s update comes via a letter from Santiago, a Canadian partner with SOM International who supports the work in South America. I have known Russell’s family for about forty years—since I lived in South America. As an engineer, I worked with petroleum companies. However, in 2000, after feeling the guerrillas’ pressure for several years, my

By |July 1st, 2024|Categories: Blog, Latin America, News, South America, Venezuela|Comments Off on Latin America Update: Touching Reality

Why Are Christians Persistently Persecuted?

Christians face daily threats around the world in countries where freedom of faith is a far cry from reality. For example, international leaders in India and North Africa have power structures to acquire and maintain power, and minority groups are pushed aside. SOM International has witnessed this dynamic for over a decade on multiple continents around the globe. Christians are

By |June 14th, 2023|Categories: Blog, News, Persecution|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Why Are Christians Persistently Persecuted?

Notorious Persecutors Then and Now

The favorite “hobbies” of some government and religious leaders yesterday and today involve oppressing, intimidating, and killing Christians, much of it for sport. Persecutors from the early years include figures such as Nero, who burned Christians as lanterns to light the way of Rome. Emperor Diocletian, the instigator of the “Great Persecution” that began in AD 303, demolished churches, burned

By |June 7th, 2023|Categories: Blog, News, Persecution|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Notorious Persecutors Then and Now

Believers Pleading for More Resources

By SOM Colombia Staff Thousands of pastors and congregations are urgently requesting our materials as the unprecedented harvest of souls continues to respond to the Gospel.  Our latest Spanish Study Bible has an updated concordance and Bible dictionary designed to aid both the novice and the mature Christian as they study the written Word of God. Along with a key

By |May 25th, 2023|Categories: Latin America, News|Comments Off on Believers Pleading for More Resources

India: Interrogations Are a New Way of Life

While working hard to teach the Word and serve in the sewing work, sewing workers in India are facing a new challenge. Police are increasing the number of interrogations among these workers to scrutinize and antagonize the work. One of the SOM India regional leaders reported that a Sewing and Discipleship leader was recently stopped and questioned by police

By |May 25th, 2023|Categories: India, Persecution|Comments Off on India: Interrogations Are a New Way of Life

God Answers Prayer for Disciple Makers

Many of the communities the SOM Mexico team serves are in very remote areas, through difficult terrain.  They visited a recent village, consisting of twelve families, and the only access to medical attention or education is a five-hour hike through the difficult mountainous area, including crossing four rivers. In order to meet their daily needs, they rely on the rainfall

By |April 25th, 2023|Categories: Mexico, Mission, News|Comments Off on God Answers Prayer for Disciple Makers

Persecuted but Not Abandoned

By Dave Arden What a great joy and honor to meet face-to-face with our persecuted brothers and sisters in India. While the SOM USA team was in India for November graduation, we met two Sewing and Discipleship School leaders.  This instructor has raised many Sewing and Discipleship leaders over the years. In her region, she serves as an advisor and

By |March 25th, 2023|Categories: India, News, Persecution|Comments Off on Persecuted but Not Abandoned

From Doubter to Devoted – Northwest Africa Testimony

A team from the United States with an African translator, (today the SOM-NW Africa Director), came to my village. The team shared with the villagers that they were followers of Jesus Christ and desired to tell their story. My mother was there and did not speak French or English. Therefore, she did not understand. So she communicated that I, her

By |February 25th, 2023|Categories: Africa, News|Comments Off on From Doubter to Devoted – Northwest Africa Testimony

Bangladesh Outreach Faces Threats and Arrests

In the middle of January, two million Muslims gathered for the Bishwa Ijtema, one of the largest Muslim festivals in the world. Their focus was on prayer, unity, and the reciting of the Quran. The SOM Bangladesh team of witnesses courageously stepped out to share the love and mercy of Jesus Christ. The SOM Bangladesh Director has a huge heart

By |January 31st, 2023|Categories: Bangladesh, News, Persecution|Comments Off on Bangladesh Outreach Faces Threats and Arrests
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