$90,000 (PTL Completed: 20,000 Piaroa Bibles!)

$60,000 (PTL Completed: 15,000 Piaroa Bibles!)


$25,000 (In progress for resources for children)


$90,000 (PTL Completed: 3,000 Piaroa Radios!)

$200,000 (In progress for 10,000 Piaroa Radios)



We, together with the Piaroa churches, would like to express a huge thank you to all who donated for the Piaroa Bible project! THANK YOU SO MUCH! In 2021, the Lord raised up $90,000 and we were able to print, ship and distribute 20,000 Piaroa Bibles. As the Bibles were distributed, they ran out in one month’s time and the Piaroa churches said they needed more! So in 2022, the Lord raised up another $60,000 and we were able to print another 15,000 Piaroa Bibles! PTL! These Bibles were just recently printed and shipped across Colombia to a Piaroa village on the border of Venezuela. Last week, on June 26, 2023, in the heart of the rainy season, the Lord miraculously held off the rain and the Piaroas themselves shuttled hundreds of boxes by motorcycle and then dugout canoe across the mighty Orinoco river! These additional 15,000 Bibles are being distributed among the Piaroa nation as we speek! Pray for their wide spread and efficient distribution now throughout the nation. We desire to see a Bible given to every single Piaroa reader.

Children’s Resources

We have printed several copies of the Piaroa language primers and now many Piaroa teachers are teaching other teacher to use them for the children to teach them how to read the Piaroa language. We are now working on a children’s Bible book in Piaroa and a children’s Sunday school curriculum in Piaroa. We will need additional funds of about $25,000 to print these resources for the children.


Since 1991 when, as a young missionary, I, Tim, began to teach the word of God to the Piaroa people, it became immediately evident that we needed a high quality translation of the Bible in the Piaroa language to teach this people group. Their hunger for the word and their attention to detail could not be satisfied without one. We then began the translation project in 1994 and, 27 years later, by the Lord’s mercy, we finished the New Testament in their heart language! During those years of translating the Bible, we as foreigners in Venezuela, could no longer continue there and we were evicted from working any longer in the indigenous territory. Additionally, the country itself fell apart politically and economically and so, we were no longer able to live there safely or legally among the Piaroa.

However, the Lord connected us to Russel Stendal and the SOM radio ministry in Colombia! This daily radio broadcast covers the entire Piaroa nation of 20,000 square miles of rain forest. Can you believe that even though we cannot be there physically, the Lord is giving me 30 minutes per day of air time and I can now teach verse by verse through the Bible in the Piaroa language to reach every single Piaroa village, hut, canoe, garden and trail! The air waves are transmitting as we speak, but the only problem is that even though the radio signal is arriving to all these places, the people can’t hear the program without a shortwave radio.

Praise the Lord that last year, He provided enough money to purchase and ship 3,000 specially manufactured solar radios to them. 2,800 have already arrived and the remaining 200 are on their way, but what are 3,000 radios among a nation of 100,000 people? These radios built by Galcom International are solar powered, self recharging radios which have a memory chip inside them which also contains the entire Piaroa audio NT, Christian Piaroa music and every radio program which we have recorded to date so that even when there is no signal, the people can play the device and still be listening to the word of God. This is dramatically changing lives! The power of the gospel, love and truth of Jesus Christ transforms every heart that hears it.

These special radios are $30 each, but we trust in God who is able to provide them. We are asking for as many radios as He deems fit. Our first goal was 3,000 radios and God provided. We are now asking Him for another 10,000 radios. But even 20,000 would not be too many. Galcom agreed to subsidize some of the radio cost, so they are now $20 each. Please pray with us about this great opportunity to provide the teaching of the word of God to this unnoticed and forgotten nation of hungry souls. As I have been teaching verse by verse on the radio in the Piaroa language every day, I sense the Holy Spirit moving strongly in my heart and it makes me realize that He must be doing powerful things in the hearts of every listener, transforming lives, bringing souls out of darkness into His marvelous light through these wonderful words of life recorded in the Holy Scriptures and translated into the Piaroa language. This is the power of the gospel! By the words of truth and the work of the Holy Spirit it changes lives which in turn change the world.

Every $20 raised will provide a radio to an individual family or village living in the dense, remote rain-forest communities of the Amazon state of Venezuela. The purchase of even one radio will have a remarkable impact on many people.

God is working a huge revival in Venezuela and this radio program is now a key part of this revival among the Piaroa. Very soon, we will also be installing a recording studio with quality equipment and training the Piaroa themselves to record radio programs. Very soon it will not only be me on the air, but many of the Piaroa pastors and teachers as well as talented Piaroa musicians will be filling the air waves with the transforming gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in their own native tongue.

No gift is too small in helping us achieve our next goal of providing at least 10,000 additional radios for the Piaroa people. The twisted world agenda, pornography, cults and all types of satanic destruction is rapidly moving into the Piaroa world and sadly influencing their nation for the worse. May the power of the word go forth to shine light into these dark places.

To provide a radio, click on the Support our Piaroa Projects Donate button below.
  • $20 = 1 radio
  • $200 = 10 radios
  • $2,000 = 100 radios
  • $10,000 = 500 radios
  • $20,000 = 1,000 radios

For our US donors, you can also donate in any of the following ways:

  1. Send a check to Spirit of Martyrdom – no processing fees
    Spirit of Martyrdom (or if you prefer, SOM or SOM International)
    PO Box 101
    Clarkdale, AZ 86324
    Make sure to put on the memo line: “Piaroa Project”
  2. Donate through PayPal to becca@SpiritofMartyrdom.com using “Send Money to Friends” – no processing fees
    Put Piaroa Project in the notes.
  3. Donate on the phone using an e-check – very low processing fees by the bank
    Call the SOM office at 1-928-634-1419
  4. Donate using the Donate link from the menu at the top of this page – 2.7% processing fee by the bank
    Put in the amount you want to donate and then click Donate with a Debit or Credit Card
    Make sure to put Piaroa Project in the Specify ministry campaign for your gift and fill out the rest of the form
    You can also call the SOM office at 1-928-634-1419 to donate by debit or credit card

But the quickest way is to click on the link below.

For our Canadian donors, you can donate in any of the following ways:

  1. Send a check to Colombia para Cristo Society – no processing fees
    Colombia para Cristo Society
    PO Box 22199
    Wildwood Saskatoon
    SK S7H 5P1
    Make sure to put on the memo line: “Piaroa Project”
  2. Donate using this Donate link to CanadaHelps.org – 3.9% processing fee by the bank.
    Put in the amount you want to donate.
    Click the box for “Apply your donation to a fund set up by this charity”.
    Select “General Fund or designate to a special project”.
    Put Piaroa Project in the “Send a message to this charity” box
    Click Continue with Donation and fill out the rest of the form.
    You can contact Victor Benitez at the Colombia Para Cristo Society office at 1-778-995-9074 if you have any questions.
Piaroa Conference 1
Piaroa Conference 2
Piaroa Conference 3
Piaroa Conference 4
Piaroa Conference 5
Piaroa Radio 4 Tim
Piaroa Radio 1
Piaroa Radio 2
Piaroa Radio 3
Transportion 1