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Federico’s Testimony

Before I met Christ, I was an alcoholic and drug dealer who caused much trouble. However, alcohol and drugs were not my biggest problem. For one year straight, I was drunk or high constantly, not knowing anything about myself. I began to have heart problems and faced many difficulties that caused me to stop drinking little by little. Demonic Visions

By |January 31st, 2023|Categories: Mexico, News|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Federico’s Testimony

Church Planter in India Refuses to Run

From Hiding to becoming a Thriving Part of the House Church Network Born into a Hindu community, SOM India church planter spent many years without knowing the power of Jesus’ name. His family of origin was clouded for decades by death. Of nine children born, six died due to illness and dark circumstances. His mother was a village Hindu prophetess

By |January 24th, 2023|Categories: India|Comments Off on Church Planter in India Refuses to Run

Killed at Church, the Nightmarish Reality

Sacred to Jesus' followers is the gathering and connecting as a close family of believers each week. The adoring worship of God is the embodiment of life, experienced in joy and love as we hear the very words of Christ. From an American mindset, the idea of being murdered at church is a nightmarish reality that most of us struggle to

Off-Grid Adventures: Delivering Portable Water Treatment Systems

My father told me the story of Moses praying over the mountain with his hands lifted up while Joshua and the people of Israel fought against their enemies. By telling the story he shared an example of how the body of Christ should operate (Exodus 17:11-13).  My father reminded our family, “There are people in the frontline of the battle

By |September 20th, 2022|Categories: Latin America, News, South America, Update, Venezuela|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Off-Grid Adventures: Delivering Portable Water Treatment Systems

Imprisoned Indian Church Planter Leads Fifteen to Christ

A story about how an imprisoned Indian church planter leads 15 people to faith in Jesus while behind bars My wife and I came to Christ joyfully in the middle of 2020. Later, I met forty people in a small community nearby and shared the Gospel with them. All forty of them came to Christ! They asked me, “Why don’t

By |August 30th, 2022|Categories: India, Persecution|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Imprisoned Indian Church Planter Leads Fifteen to Christ

Church Planters in Remote Tribal Areas in Bangladesh Overcome Obstacles

Few nations present as many obstacles to sharing the Gospel as Bangladesh. For example, getting to the remote tribal areas in Bangladesh require traveling through long, winding, rough roads. Additionally, news of flooding and death in the lowlands is so common that it rarely affects people. Even this week, when writing this article, there are many reports across international news

By |July 1st, 2022|Categories: Bangladesh, SOM International|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Church Planters in Remote Tribal Areas in Bangladesh Overcome Obstacles

Reaching Unreached People Groups in India 

Few countries in the world offer immense opportunities to share the Gospel like the country of India. With over 2,400 unreached people groups, the diverse country speaks hundreds of languages and has a booming population of nearly 1.4 billion. However, the vast majority of India has no connection to Jesus Christ, and the spiritual needs far exceed what we can

By |June 20th, 2022|Categories: India, Mission, SOM International|Comments Off on Reaching Unreached People Groups in India 

Is the Jubilee Bible a Good Translation?

Russell Stendal Answers the Question, "Is the Jubilee Bible a Good Translation?" Jubilee Bible Prioritizes Context and Spirit of Truth By Russell Stendal Many years ago, I was given a copy of an old Spanish Bible translated in the heat and enthusiasm of the Reformation—which was brutally put down in Spain by the Inquisition—when it was common practice to burn

By |June 8th, 2022|Categories: Bible Translation, Book Review, Latin America, SOM International|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Is the Jubilee Bible a Good Translation?

Bold Leadership of Christians in Bangladesh

Leading Like Christ Series By David Witt   Leadership of Christians in Bangladesh The SOM International Director of Bangladesh is a hidden jewel in Asia. He turns fifty-six this year—my younger brother by one and half years and has over thirty years of faithful kingdom service in one of the most unreached and impoverished nations on earth. This article in

Every Day a New Christian Martyr

By David Witt CEO Spirit of Martyrdom During the Soviet Union era, for three years for her faith in Christ. Mistreated and malnourished from the torment of guards for her faith, she nearly died in these camps. She was separated for fourteen years from her husband Richard, a pastor and author of Tortured for Christ. Sabina once told me, “Martyrs do

Aviation Ministry in Mexico Goes Further than Ever Before

Aviation Ministry in Mexico Goes Further than Ever Before Leading Like Christ Series By David Witt Good leadership is founded on following first. The SOM Global directors are people who have bent their will to the will of Jesus first and to follow and to obey Him in all things. Christ-like leadership reflects true humility, which is not self-debasing nor self-exaltation;

By |May 3rd, 2022|Categories: Leading Like Christ Series, Mexico, Mission, News|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Aviation Ministry in Mexico Goes Further than Ever Before

This is God’s Time for Either Repentance or Collapse

Venezuelan Economy Collapsing Twenty-five years ago, some of my Colombian pastor friends, thinking that their Venezuelan counterparts were too proud and arrogant, were fond of stating in no uncertain terms that the neighboring country was due for a healthy reality check. This was when Venezuela was one of the most prosperous countries globally, with its per capita income in the

Richard Wurmbrand’s Tortured for Christ – Book Review

The Beauty of Whole-Hearted Sacrifice When picking up a paperback of Richard Wurmbrand's classic signature work, Tortured for Christ, one must be forewarned that it is not for the faint of faith. The founder of Voice of the Martyrs, Wurmbrand states, "This book is written not so much with ink, as with the blood of bleeding hearts." Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

What Is a Living Martyr?

Many paradoxes fill the Christian life: grace and strength through weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9); wisdom through foolishness (1 Corinthians 1:18); greatness through humility and surrender (Matthew 20:26). Add one more to the list: a "living" (vibrant and alive) "martyr" (suffering one). In the New Testament, "martyr" translates as "witness." A witness is somebody who testifies in an ethical or legal

Building the Church in India: A Church Planting Vision to Transform the Subcontinent

Church Planting Vision Transforming the Subcontinent of India Leading Like Christ Series By David Witt This series has been my delight to share our global directors' Christ-like leadership insights and styles. Today, I reflect on the SOM International Director of India. He is passionate about growing the church in India.  I see these qualities of Jesus in this leader: Mighty

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