Few countries in the world offer immense opportunities to share the Gospel like the country of India. With over 2,400 unreached people groups, the diverse country speaks hundreds of languages and has a booming population of nearly 1.4 billion. However, the vast majority of India has no connection to Jesus Christ, and the spiritual needs far exceed what we can put into words.  Here is how SOM is reaching unreached people groups in India.

SOM India has a well-established relationship with the work in India, providing training for over 6,000 workers in half the states. At the May graduation, the SOM network encouraged and commissioned hundreds of workers to reach the country. Accordingly, there is reason to celebrate.

India Graduation Reaches Far and Wide

The SOM International Director of India said, “The graduation and commissioning was an amazing celebration of the new Kingdom workers from India, who finished their six months of church planter training. The sewing discipleship women also finished their six months of discipleship and sewing trade.” A total of 1,075 students completed their instruction, spreading out into India’s most remote and deep pockets.

Furthermore, the movement means that leaders are touching new villages, with upwards of thirty churches planted a day. The more the network spreads, the more the Gospel pours into remote, distant, and unreached peoples.

“The impact of the graduation is huge, impacting thousands of villages,” the SOM India Director said. Additionally, he explained the challenges facing graduates. “Brother David Witt ministered to the graduates with news of global persecution, how we are a part of and how the Lord is working through the intense persecution. This helps us to feel a part of the body of Christ with a heart to suffer together.”

The network has pushed beyond India’s mainland, with new church planting graduates in the Andaman Islands and Sri Lanka.

Vision Beyond India to Reach Unreached People Groups

Now that the Lord is significantly strengthening the work in India, SOM leaders are fasting and praying to extend outreach to other regions. “Our leaders have a huge heart to see the Gospel spread to these other nations,” said SOM India Director. Meanwhile, the twenty-third class of church planters and sewing discipleship leaders has already begun classes. Hence there is great anticipation of what the Lord will do.

Despite the surge in arrests, interrogation, and pushback in many regions, the Gospel continues to advance with force. Therefore, pray for courage, strength, faithfulness, and endurance for the new graduating leaders who walk the long haul of serving Christ.