Church Planting Schools: India

India Church Planting Schools Graduate 20th Class Amazingly, at the end of April, the ministry in the SOM India planting network graduated

Church Planting Schools: India2021-07-20T08:18:13-07:00

Sewing & Discipleship Schools in India

SOM International India: Mending Old Garments to Refresh as New Empowering Women through Sewing & Discipleship Schools   “Behold I am making

Sewing & Discipleship Schools in India2020-12-03T11:19:03-07:00

India Response To COVID-19

India Response to COVID-19 Thank you for your prayers and financial support during this global crisis. We have been able to serve hundreds of families as

India Response To COVID-192020-12-02T13:36:45-07:00
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