Welcome to the Discipleship Team! Your passion for teaching can spread Christ’s message through SOM International! As a discipler, you’ll guide others in growing their faith and discipleship skills and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

Here’s how to start your journey and make an impact:

1. Seek Divine Guidance and Connect with Like-Minded People

Ask God for wisdom to find people eager to support the Persecuted Church through SOM International. Focus on your network—friends, coworkers, and church members. Pray for them to grow in discipleship and evangelism.

2. Enroll in Discipleship and Evangelism Training

Sign up for SOM International’s Discipleship and Evangelism Training, which is available in workshop or online formats. You learn skills and knowledge to teach others. The training prepares you to lead and inspire those you’re discipling.

3. Connect with Fellow Disciplers

Connect with other disciplers in your area. Build a network of fellow trainers to provide support, ideas, and collaboration. Working with others in your team motivates and informs everyone.

4. Launch an Interactive Bible Discussion (IBD)

Start an Interactive Bible Discussion (IBD) in your community. IBDs teach discipleship skills and processes. Make sure you complete the discipleship training first.

5. Host and Participate in Workshops

Host a Discipleship or Evangelism Workshop at your church. This will strengthen your church and community. Also, join an SOM International workshop as an instructor and travel to teach at workshops in other areas. These opportunities will expand your reach and skills.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to making a significant impact as a discipler. Welcome to the Discipleship Team, where your teaching helps multiply the image of Christ in the lives of others!