The Nuts and Bolts of Sharing an SOM Testimony

Jesus was stunned. He had just heard the centurion say, “Just say the word…for I also am a man under authority…and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes.”

Jesus responded, “Truly I say to you, I have not found such great faith with anyone in Israel.”

Jesus testified to the centurion’s faith—that He would teach people about God and invite them to seek His Kingdom.

Global Ambassadors invite people into the global work by sharing an SOM testimony.

GA TOOLBOX: Share a Testimony

How do we share a testimony?

Choose a Testimony

There are plenty of stories from SOM International to help with this. Pick one story that you can read in 2-5 minutes. Here are places to look for stories:

  1. The SOM website.

  2. SOM International newsletters that are mailed to you.

  3. SOM International email updates.

Invite and Share

Read the testimony to your friends or small group.

  1. “Could we take a few minutes to pray for the persecuted church?”

  2. Read the testimony out loud.

Ask a few questions to help people relate to the story.

From this story, what do you learn about God?

What do you learn about the people (nation, leadership, etc.) of this story?

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you through this story?

How can we pray for the believers in this country?


Take a few minutes to pray. Pass out newsletters to the group and suggest they can continue to pray for the Persecuted Church. Urge them to fill out a Witness Aware Card to receive more news of the Persecuted Church.

Invite someone to start an exciting journey today.
Share a testimony.