In 2024, seven church planters and church members in India found themselves falsely accused and unjustly imprisoned, facing immense pressure from Hindu government leaders.
Their persecution stems from the fear of the Hindu group losing control over the region’s political power due to successful conversions and transformation among tribal communities. The Holy Spirit is at work!
Prisoners are often denied basic human rights and essentials like clean water and proper medical treatment. Despite these harsh conditions, their unwavering faith in Jesus remains steadfast. They continue to radiate the light of the Gospel within the prison walls.
Prayer as a Weapon
Friends of imprisoned believers have not relied solely on legal measures for the prisoners. Their primary resource is divine intervention and wisdom.
“Following the example of the early Church, we trust our leaders who approach the authorities in the name of the Lord,” the SOM India Director’s wife said. “Our heartfelt prayers are aimed at witnessing the power of God and ultimately securing the release of these courageous individuals.”
Supporting the Persecuted
The compassionate SOM team in India has provided essential groceries and support for the prisoners’ families, who have scattered across various villages and lived amid other Christians in their homes.
We remain committed to actively training and sending out thousands of workers, particularly from tribal communities. This movement has significantly impacted hundreds of tribal groups, sparking positive change from the grassroots level upward.
Persecution is escalating,
and our brothers and sisters
in Christ need our support.
Will you join us in prayer and action to strengthen the Persecuted Church? Together, we can provide hope, resources, and encouragement to those who face adversity for their faith.