Naveen’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of God’s Word. He, a Hindu-background servant of Christ, graduated in June of this year from the twenty-sixth class of church planters. Here is his story, a beacon of hope and inspiration for your encouragement:

Naveen’s Story

After my conversion to Christianity, my family and I faced severe persecution, including being beaten and driven out of our village home. Despite these hardships, we persevered, living with my grandfather. However, even this respite was short-lived, as my grandfather passed away.

Village members started to say that because I became a Christian, my grandfather died. They said, “Other people in our village might die because he is a Christian, so he must leave.” Then, our village chief telephoned the police, who came and took me away.

They arrested me and kept me in jail for three days.

I had one small New Testament in my pocket before they took me to the police station.

Facing Arrest

This police officer mocked me and said, “Take out the Bible because we already know you are a Christian.” So, I took the New Testament and set it on the table before the police officers.

And then one police officer said, “How dare this man bring in the Christian Bible? Take him outside immediately, tie him to a tree, and beat him as many times as possible.”

As they were taking me out of the office, the police superintendent opened the Bible and began to read. Right as they began to beat me, the superintendent came running outside and said, “Stop, stop. Don’t beat him.” Then they untied me from the tree and brought me back into the police office.

The superintendent said, “I don’t know why, but I feel like you must leave the police station. But I am scared because there is a rumor in the village that you and your wife will be attacked.”

Miraculous Freedom

The officers put me in a police vehicle and asked me to show my wife’s address. Then, the police officer asked my wife and my children to get in, and they brought us back to our original home village, where we had been driven out. They drove us back in a special police vehicle, and the village people began to crowd around us.

The police officer said, “From today on, don’t touch him, don’t harass him, and don’t beat him. Let him do his work, and you do your work.”

We rejoiced that the Word of God did a quick work of conviction in the police superintendent. We now have favor and respect in our village. Many men, women, and children have been reached with the Gospel in our village, and they are curious about our story and our God.

The graduation was glorious. I have never been around so many Christians from different tribes, states, and castes. My testimony is similar to that of the other graduates. We all share the love of Jesus and the power of His Word in our hearts.

Power of Change

I was once a violent drunk, a committed Hindu who did horrible things to others. During those days, I had much pain in spirit, soul, and body. But the Lord gave me the Holy Spirit, which has transformed my life—and my wife’s and children’s lives—and now we have a passion for building His Church. I have suffered much for Christ and rejoice that I am counted worthy to be called His son. I am more excited to boldly share Christ with lost Hindus in India in the coming days.

Please thank our brothers and sisters in America who have donated, prayed, and cared enough to share their lives and support us. Without my global family, I would never have met so many other Christian leaders and learned so much about Jesus and His Word.