In persecuted and unreached regions of the world, the scattered followers of Christ have a choice: a life of imprisonment to sin or being captured in obedience to Christ. The most populous state of India is Uttar Pradesh, and estimates say it is home to over 250 million people This makes just one state in India nearly 75 percent of the population of the USA. This state’s government is determined to keep its subjects in idolatry and darkness. If Christians share Christ or change their religion from Hinduism to Christianity, they are in danger of spending twenty years in prison. Therefore, the question is, which is the worst captivity: sin or Christ?

The Indian media and the news services intentionally hide how many Christians are victims of violence, killing, and imprisonment. Because of the diversity of tribes and village locations, hundreds and thousands of Christians persecuted goes unnoticed.

Gospel Spreading Like Wildfire

Currently, Christianity is an increasing threat to the Hindu-religious-politically motivated party in India called BJP. One of the ways this party is trying to quench the Christian minority is through violence, killing, and putting Christian missionaries and believers in prison. Yet, the Holy Spirit is doing mighty work as the Gospel spreads like wildfire through the remnant of His people. The Uttar Pradesh state government passed the bill of life imprisonment of anyone found to be converting to Christ; this law primarily targets Christian missionaries and churches. These extreme measures point to the reality of the fear felt by Hindu fundamental leaders who see Indian Christians multiplying in numbers. Additionally, the Indian Christians are showing the fruit of being captured by Christ by their lack of fear.