Global Ambassadors – International Meets Domestic


Global Ambassador testimony Jan T spirit of martyrdom

Jan T. – Arizona, USA


I was challenged and inspired, for many years, by the international stories about courage and boldness shared by SOM International. Currently, I am growing in maturity within Christ and discipleship through the SOM Global Ambassador training.


I am deeply encouraged to hear of the Lord’s love sweeping across the hearts within India. It is joyful to know people of India are spreading the gospel. I want to see His fire sweep the land and empower their hearts to a new movement that grows across the world! India is a country of constant movement. I spent time in Gandhinagar in 2009 and 2010, near Gandhi’s ashram. I recall how Gandhi’s grassroots efforts grew to an enormous amount of people, seeking national independence. The stories I hear about SOM-India women learning the sewing trade, men clutching their Bibles to awaken villages, and the hunger for the Word is a true reflection of the love of God.


One thing I love about India is that the people are open to receiving guidance. While in India, I was a life coach who many people came to for suggestions and help. I was not walking with the Lord back then, but God was still using me in the lives of others. Many occasions the Indians would say, “We make our guest our god.” Several times, I was invited to their homes and they asked me to stay forever! My only regret was not staying longer.


When I came back to America, I kept practicing the things I had learned while in India. However, as the years went on, I fell deeper into personal struggles fueled by my addictions, resentments, and childhood traumas. In 2015, I lost everything in my life. I went through a divorce, entered into recovery, and the true God came alive and revealed Himself to me! I truly thought all my life coaching and meditation could save and fix me. I did not know the God of the Bible was holding the key to my heart. He wanted to unlock the door to my past so that I could walk as a free man forevermore!


My walk is now filled with hope. I’ve walked free with the Lord for the past five years. I get to grow in faith each morning, spread the Word to others in need, and be set free from the old oppressions. Jesus brought me back to life! After what He has and will do for me, I am hooked on Jesus! I believe His Word, His power, and I desire to see Him revealed daily.


He has healed me of a resentful heart, codependence, addiction to alcohol, womanizing, selfishness, fear, loneliness, grinding my teeth, horrible relationship skills, pride, financial curses, sexual lust, greed, jealousy, and mental illness. He continues to free me! He is the Way-Maker, the Truth, the Life. I so look forward to seeing what miracles the Great Giver of Life has in store for me. We are in this together to share His great love and bring His name glory.


Keep up the great work! May God bless you and keep your families with health and courage, keep you hungry for Him, and may you see His freedom spread across your great land.


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