• Bibles for Venezuela

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  • Projects for the Piaroa People

    The Piaroa people are a spiritually hungry people who desire to study and teach the Scriptures at a deep and serious level.
    Bibles (Status: Phase 1 complete; Phase 2 complete) The Lord has provided for the printing and transportation of 35,000 Bibles in the Piaroa language. This project represents 27 years of meticulous and tedious work done by 5 native speakers together with Tim Walker and is now in the hands of the Piaroa people. This is the first time in history where every Piaroa reader will be able to have their own copy of the Bible. $150,000 (PTL Completed: 35,000 Piaroa Bibles!)
    Children's Resources (Status: In progress) We have printed several copies of the Piaroa language primers and now many Piaroa teachers are teaching other teacher to use them for the children to teach them how to read the Piaroa language. We are now working on a children’s Bible book in Piaroa and a children’s Sunday school curriculum in Piaroa. We will need additional funds of about $25,000 to print these resources for the children. $25,000 (In progress for resources for children)
    Radios (Status: Phase 1 complete; Phase 2 in progress) Thanks to SOM and Russell Stendal, we have been given 30 minutes of daily air time on the radio in the Piaroa language! This broadcast reaches the entire geographical territory (about 20,000 square miles) of the Piaroa nation which number an estimated 100,000 people. After 30 years of language learning and Bible translation, Tim Walker is finally able to teach the scriptures to the Piaroa in their native tongue and he is teaching through the NT verse by verse over the radio. The Bible is in their hands, the radio towers are operating, and Bible teaching is being aired every day. The Piaroa people are hungry to listen. The only problem is that there are very few radios to go around. The Lord provided for 3,000 radios and we have distributed them, but among 100,000 people that is not enough. Each radio costs $30, but Galcom agreed to subsidize some of the radio cost, so they are now $20 each. We are trusting the Lord to provide for another 10,000 radios. The radios are built with a fixed frequency. They are solar powered, water resistant to operate in the remote rain forest of the Amazon state of Venezuela where the Piaroa live. Growing believers and non-believers alike, will want to listen to this radio program. Each radio purchased will bring the gospel to an entire household and even entire village. Phase 1 Project Goal: $90,000 (PTL Completed: 3,000 radios) Phase 2 Project Goal: $200,000 (In progress for 10,000 radios)
    Note: Your donation will go to the area of greatest need among the Piaroa people (current area of need is the radios). However, if you would like to designate it to a specific Piaroa project, you can do so in the Order Notes under Additional Information on the Checkout page. Any Donation Amount is Greatly Appreciated!
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