Why risk it all for Jesus?

Reported by David Witt

The Bangladesh bus system is one of the most dangerous transportation systems in the world. The usual ride to the tribal area is an eleven-hour journey. Visiting remote villages involves dealing with inadequate sanitation, witchcraft, and tribal militias who are suspicious of non-tribal people, especially Christians, leading their people away from the ancestral idol worship. They risk violence from fundamental Muslims everyday by sharing their faith.

I asked an SOM Bangladeshi worker why they take such risk in sharing the gospel? He replied, “They need Jesus; there is no other hope for salvation, joy, and eternal life. God commands us to witness and when I get to heaven, I want to hear from Father, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’ ”

This faithful and courageous spirit is replicated in the workers throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The gospel has always been about risk. Jesus invites us to lose all, to gain Him. Godly risk, is right.

He shall not be afraid of evil rumors; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.

Psalm 112:7 Jubilee Bible

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Risking Much for Jesus
