Leaders risk their lives for Christ.

SOM International serves leaders who risk much for Jesus. We work with leaders in high-risk areas, focusing on the unreached 40% of the world.

Our network leaders risk their lives by bearing testimony of Christ where restrictions could cut off their freedom, livelihood, and community.

Following Jesus is a risk-taking adventure. SOM International honors leaders who love much and risk much in the same way the Good Shepherd sacrifices much for the sheep (John 10:11). Jesus willingly risked himself and faced oppression, “for the joy set before him” (Hebrews 12:2) in pleasing His Heavenly Father and for the fruit of seeing the nations reconciled to Himself (Romans 8).

SOM International global leadership works under challenging areas such as Colombia, Venezuela, India, Bangladesh, Senegal, and Mexico’s remote mountains. We believe the most significant investment for gospel outreach is in restricted and unreached regions of the world. Global ministries have proven to yield abundant eternal dividends.


Bible Distribution Across the Nations

Jesus is the Word of God. The Word of God is also a written tool to save the lost and to develop mature believers. The Word of God is most effective when written in His disciples’ hearts. Then poured into the lives of leaders and church planters. SOM International invests heavily in Bible distribution in many languages, with audio Bibles, radio, and Christian literature.

Most of all, we invest in discipleship. Our leadership is committed to walking alongside developing leaders to build them up to expand their faith and multiply their efforts. Thank you for investing your resources into SOM International as we continue to stretch out with the hands of Christ to reach remote and forgotten regions of the world.