Welcome to the Prayer Team! Your dedication to prayer supports our persecuted family. You blend praise and prayer to seek God’s heart and advocate for our global family. Ready to dive in?

Here are five ways to get started:

1. Seek Divine Guidance and Build Your Community

Ask God for wisdom as you seek like-minded people to support our persecuted family through SOM International. Focus on people in your network—friends and family. Pray for them. Ask God to stir their hearts and open doors to discuss our persecuted family.

2. Host Engaging Informational Events

Host a gathering at your home or church. Share powerful testimonies from SOM International. Pray together for the Persecuted Church. Encourage the group to subscribe to the SOM International newsletter. Remember the four W’s of effective meetings. By God’s grace, you will grow a committed group of supporters.

3. Establish a Monthly Prayer and Worship Night

Host a prayer and worship night dedicated to the Persecuted Church. These gatherings provide a sacred space for corporate prayer and praise. Set up a resource table offering SOM materials that encourage and inform pray-ers.

4. Engage Your Small Group or Prayer Circle

Invite your small group or prayer circle to dedicate one monthly meeting to pray for the Persecuted Church. This focused prayer time deepens your group’s commitment and fosters advocacy for global believers in need.

5. Connect with Like-Minded Ambassadors

Connect with other SOM Global Ambassadors in your area to build a network of pray-ers. Together, you can provide encouragement and additional support. Unite with others for activities and broaden the reach of your worship and prayer efforts.

You can provide spiritual support and advocacy for the Persecuted Church. Welcome to the Prayer Team, where your prayers and worship join God’s heart to become a beacon of hope for believers around the world!