bible translator

Bible Translation and Distribution Impacts Community

For those living in the land of information overload, it’s difficult to conceive of a world without phones, the internet, radio, information, and access to a Bible translation in your native language.

Nevertheless, many quadrants of the world have ZERO access to any information to understand the Gospel.

This huge void is where the work of Bible translation and distribution is vital.

Why Translate the Bible

“Anybody that has a huge heart for the Word of God to transform broken people is going to be excited about partnering with SOM International. We have credible workers who are getting the Bible into the hands of people starving for the Word,” asserts the CEO of SOM International.

In order for vast amounts of Bible Translation work to be completed, there’s a tremendous demand for Bible translators.

group translating the bible

SOM has partnered with a Bible Translator working with the Piaroa Tribe in Venezuela. This team has just completed the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament.

What It Takes to Translate the Bible

Before you sign up to become a Bible translator, consider the unique qualifications of putting the Word of God into a local language.

Qualifications needed to translate the Bible:

  1. A high level of language ability in both the source language and receptor language.
  2. Premier skills to exegete the biblical text, to be accurate and precise.
  3. Team building to draw native language speakers into the work.

“The most important quality to be a translator is to be walking in true fellowship with the Spirit and dependent upon the Spirit of Christ,” attests an experienced Bible translator.  “We need to know and sense within the heart and mind of the Spirit in each passage. We are dependent on Him for how it renders.”

Translating the Bible is not for the faint of heart. This project is incredibly exhausting as translators are working in multiple languages. Translators and bear the load of responsibility of translating the Word of God in wisdom.

Translators have to be incredibly patient.  The Bible, for this remote tribe in Venezuela, took 24 years to translate the New Testament. Often, there are various ways of translating ideas from the original language. The translator needs wisdom to make the best decisions.

Benefits of Translating the Bible

Is translating the Bible worth it? The outcome of translating the Word of God for a remote tribe goes beyond expression.

For one tribe in Mexico, SOM International CEO asked the village elder, “What is the biggest change in villagers’ lives when they receive the Word of God?

The village elder responded, “Before the Gospel entered the village, the children and adults were oppressed by demons and diseases and died at a young age.  Clearly, the Gospel has brought hope and health so that we’re thriving.”

Translating the Bible into a new culture changes the relationships. The village, the vision, the economy, and the intertribal relationships are forever changed.

“The Piaroa tribe is extremely studious and hungry for the Word,” reports the Bible translator in Venezuela.  “The Bible will impact thousands of lives for many years to come.  It changes the heart, mind, soul, and strength of the person.  The Bible changes the way the people live, promoting love, faith, and goodness in their culture as a way of life.”

Transformation and Peace through the Bible

The complete New Testament for the Piaroa tribe, currently being published, is the message of God to bring transformation and peace. Furthermore, the majority of the tribe has never received their own Bible translation, but that is about to change. Because there are approximately 100,000 people who speak the language.

Pray for SOM’s work of publishing Bibles worldwide. Also, please pray for how you can get involved in the work for the Piaroa tribe in Venezuela. Click to learn more.