SOM Latin America News2024-09-25T16:09:16-07:00

SOM Latin America

Violent, armed militias and/or drug cartels control many remote regions of Colombia and Venezuela where there is no internet access. Colombia is the second-highest producer of cocaine in the world. (Afghanistan is the highest as of 2019.)  After the conclusion of 54 years of civil war in 2017, vast regions are still under-served and unreached with a clean Gospel witness.

In 2009, American missionary to Colombia and good friend Russell Stendal approached David about joining forces with SOM International, which became the umbrella United States office to communicate with USA partners about the vital ministry in war-torn Colombia. The ministry in Colombia is touching the lives of people through Christian radio broadcasting and distributing Bibles and Christian materials. The work has now expanded to the people of Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking nations. Most importantly, there are relationships being built with Latin Americans of all political, religious, and ethnic persuasions as we demonstrate peace and love through faith in Jesus Christ.

Meet Russell, Director of SOM – South America

  • Russell authored over 30 books, including editing the Jubilee Bible, in English and Spanish.
  • Russell and the team have produced over a thousand radio programs on the Bible, family, marriage, children’s programs, and history.
  • He was taken hostage five times by anti-Colombian government forces.
  • Russell wrote the book Rescue the Captors while being held hostage for five months in the jungles of Colombia.
  • He has consulted with Colombian presidents, generals, and other leaders throughout South America.
  • Russell is a veteran Andes Mountains aviation pilot and used planes to parachute hundreds of thousands of Bibles and Christian materials into restricted and hostile zones of the Colombian jungle.
  • Russell was nicknamed “The Apostle of Peace” for his influential role in the final Peace Accord in 2017.
Unreached People Groups
Amount Given Nationally to the Unreached
Amount at SOM Spent on the Unreached

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