• Medical Outreach

    Our medical teams travel into remote villages in dangerous places.  Your generous donation makes it possible for volunteer doctors and the medical team to travel to these villages to save lives and share the gospel.
    • Provide Remote Medical Assistance - Providing Free General & Prenatal Care: $25, $50, or $100
  • Provide Clean Water - Impacting Villages

    Portable filtration systems clean 3,000 gallons of water a day and can serve a village up to 600 people. With one portable system, about 75 villages can be reached with clean water and the gospel message. IMPACT: Clean water opens floodgates of opportunities for sharing the gospel message.
    • Clean Water & Clean Message - Every Drop Counts: $10, $25, $50, $100
    • Purchase One Complete Portable Water Treatment System: $4,600
  • Christian Agricultural Outreach

    When you support our agricultural outreach, you are helping us provide sustainable food and water for families in need. (One goat or cow provides daily sustenance for an entire family.)
    • Goat on a Rope: (50 Goats Needed) $100 (Each)
    • Cows Equipping Families: (30 Cows Needed) $300 (Each)
    • Provide Seeds & Fertilizer for Self-Sustaining Farming: $100 (per Family)
  • Each church planter is in need of biblical training and practical tools for planting new churches.  This sponsorship provides them with practical ministry tools and support to start new fellowships in remote villages.
    • Sponsor a Church Planter for Six Months: $280 ($46/month)
    • Sponsor a Church Planting School: $8,400 for 6 months of training or $16,800 for 1 year of training
    • Provide a Bicycle for a Church Planter: $100 each
    • Graduation Gospel Power Tool Set: $65 (New Bible, Pastoral Resources & Graduation Expenses)
    Become a Monthly Sponsor for a Church Planter: $46 provides training for 1 church planter for 1 month.  Click here to set up monthly automatic donations.
  • Provide tools needed to start a microbusiness for women within the persecuted church.  The women are trained in sewing skills and biblical discipleship.
    • Purchase a Sewing Machine for a Lighthouse Graduate: $100
    • Purchase an Audio Bible: $10 each
    Sponsor a Lighthouse Student: $40 a month - Click here to sign up for monthly giving.
  • A Gift of Just $10 Provides a Bible & Resources to a Persecuted Christian

    The desire for Bibles in persecuted nations requires people on the ground who are willing to take these resources to people who need them the most. We have people standing by to deliver Bibles.

    The only Limiting Factors are Funds to Print More Bibles and Christian Materials

    • Bible: $10
    • MP3/Audio Bible: $10
    • Children's Materials: $10
    • Tablet Preloaded with Jesus Film: $100
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