SOM Northwest Africa News2022-09-14T12:49:53-07:00

SOM Northwest Africa

99% of villages in Northwest Africa have no witness of Christ. In 2014, SOM-North Africa was established with the assistance of SOM-USA. SOM-North Africa has grown their outreach to the greater region by establishing Church Planting Schools in 2017.

The same year, Sewing Discipleship Schools began training widows and single mothers in their identity in Jesus Christ and sewing trade skills.

The schools are multiplying leaders and the Christian witness in unreached villages. Farming is a ministry and life sustaining skill. SOM–North Africa helps those in need with medicine, food, housing, and agricultural tools and training.



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Meet the Director of SOM – Northwest Africa

  • Islamic teachers are part of his family lineage.
  • His grandfather was a chief and a renowned mighty warlord who propagated Islam through jihad.
  • He read through the Bible 10 times before becoming a Christian.
  • He is the first Christian from his clan.
  • He is fluent in five languages.
  • The leadership team is unique as they are comprised of all Muslim background believers.
Unreached People Groups
Unreached People
Christian Population

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