SOM India News2024-09-25T14:54:44-07:00

SOM India

India is the least reached nation for the Gospel in the world. It is currently in the top ten nations of persecution against its small minority of Christians. In 2011, SOM-USA assisted the first church planting school within the SOM International network. In 2012, the SOM-India Director established SOM-India with a heart to serve persecuted Christians and advance the Gospel.

Ladies’ sewing discipleship schools were also established, training widows in the skill of sewing and biblical discipleship.

As of 2023, there are twenty-seven church planting schools and twenty-seven sewing discipleship schools operating twice a year, commissioning these leaders to reach the remotest areas of India.

Meet the Director of SOM – India

  • This pastor was healed of terminal liver disease. Two days later, he and his family gave their lives to faith in Christ.
  • He preached the Gospel to others for three months before receiving his first Bible.
  • At age 16, he left home by faith to preach the Gospel full time. He only had the clothes on his back, a tattered Bible, and the equivalent of $3.00 USD.
  • He walked over 40,000 miles, witnessing Christ to thousands in unreached villages from 1992 to 2001.
  • The SOM–India Director is fluent in seven languages.
  • He currently oversees an exploding network of over 40,000 house churches.
  • He has a team of leaders multiplying leaders alongside him to help spread the Gospel throughout India.
Unreached People Groups
Unreached People
Christian Population

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